Seattle, August 11, 2021 — Today the Archdiocese of Seattle’s Ministerial Covenant Task Force publicized its recommendations to address the ministerial covenant signed by teachers, presidents and principals employed at archdiocesan Catholic schools. These recommendations were developed over the past year by the 10-member volunteer task force, which was led by Father Ronald Nuzzi, professor emeritus at the University of Notre Dame. . . .
Sadly, today our church was defaced by spray paint. Specifically, the words “LAND BACK” were painted on the doors along with hand prints. We have a crew coming to clean it up shortly. We believe the message is tied to very sad reality faced by our Native American brothers and sisters who were placed in residential homes across North America. . . .
Today we wish to address our Native American brothers and sisters. While we recognize that each individual tribe in our own archdiocese and across the continent has had a differing experience with the Catholic Church, we wish to acknowledge the real pain that our Native American brothers and sisters are feeling at this time. . . .
After a comprehensive nationwide search, the Archdiocese of Seattle announced its new Executive Director of Stewardship and Development today. Victor Javier Mitre Jr., a parishioner at St. Patrick Parish in Tacoma, stepped into the leadership role after the retirement of Deacon Pierce Murphy, who served in the role for four years.
Concerned that a U.S. bishops’ proposed teaching document on the Eucharist has become politicized, Archbishop Paul D. Etienne joined a minority of bishops in voting against the proposal June 17. . . .
Since the conclusion of the Spring Plenary Assembly of the U.S. bishops last week, there has been much attention on the vote taken to draft a document on the Eucharist. The question of whether or not to deny any individual or groups Holy Communion was not on the ballot. The vote by the bishops last week tasked the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Doctrine to begin the drafting of a teaching document on the Eucharist. . . .
This report summarizes the findings of a survey created and administered by the Archdiocesan Task Force on the Ministerial Covenant for the second phase of their work. The goal of this phase was to assess, analyze, and summarize the understanding, convictions, beliefs, and opinions of a variety of archdiocesan stakeholders regarding the Ministerial Covenant and its use in employment decisions.
The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, in partnership with Catholics, developed the new pastoral planning process, which invites people to prayerfully discern how we are living our faith and carrying out the mission of the Church. This process provides the vision to help people encounter Jesus. It is an invitation for parishes, schools, ministries and individuals to more faithfully live out the mission Jesus is calling them to.
With the recent social unrest and increased divisiveness in our society, Archbishop Paul D. Etienne recognized the need to create an advisory group dedicated to racial justice. He formed a new Racial Justice and Cultural Diversity Commission to guide the Archdiocese of Seattle on issues and initiatives concerning intercultural competency and the sin of racism.
The goal of this handbook is to invite you to take an active part in the pastoral leader transition process, regardless of your role or formal position. Rather than letting events dictate your experience, we encourage you to recognize what is happening and take positive steps to move through the stages of transition.
The Most Rev. Paul D. Etienne, having carefully assessed the needs of the People of God in the Archdiocese of Seattle, and after careful consultation with the Christian Faithful and the Priest Personnel Board, makes the following pastoral appointments in accord with the 1983 Code of Canon Law effective July 1, 2021, unless otherwise noted.
Seattle, April 16, 2021 – In the past month, the Archdiocese of Seattle reached final settlements totaling just over $1.3 million for four separate cases involving allegations of sexual abuse against three priests and a youth minister.
News Release: The Archdiocese of Seattle’s Strategic Planning Committee, led by Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg, is beginning to implement recommendations from the strategic planning efforts in the South Seattle Deanery.
St. James Mental Health & Wellness Ministry is pleased to announce a new educational program called Healing Mondays, weekly presentations about emotional and mental health presented by local parishioners and psychiatric providers. Click image above for full details.
In this issue: Archbishop Etienne on Protecting God's Little Ones; Bishop Eusebio on Success of Faithfulness; and What is the Significance of the Easter Candle?
Gary dos Santos carries himself like a good-natured little league coach. Comfortably in his forties with a career in biotechnology, house in Ballard, and a family (his grey zip-up hoodie with logo that reads “St. Benedict School” is a dead giveaway). He stuffs his hands deep into his pockets to ward off the chill morning air because Dads are known to bravely underdress for the weather. . . . .
It is with heavy hearts that we offer this statement regarding the recent acts of violence and hatred against our Asian American brothers and sisters. The recent attacks, both nationally and locally in our own archdiocese, are indicative of a new era of hatred that must come to an end. . . .
Attached is the letter from Archbishop Etienne regarding the pairing of St. Benedict and St. Catherine Parishes. As the letter indicates, this has been discussed as part of the deanery planning process for many years. Practically, this means that Fr. Bryan and I will continue in our roles until June 30 when a new pastoral leader will be assigned for St. Benedict and St. Catherine collectively. . . .