Pastoral Council is a consultative body to the pastoral leader. The purpose of the pastoral council is to examine, consider, and draw conclusions concerning matters under discussion in order to recommend a course of action to the pastor. Through pastoral planning, the pastoral council assists the pastor in development of the parish mis-sion; forming community as a sign and witness of unity for the larger parish community; providing recom-mendations for parish priorities, directions, and policies; promoting communication and understanding among parish organizations, as well as between the parish, the Archdiocese, and the Universal Church.
Finance Council advises the pastoral leader, pastoral council, and School Commission regarding effective stewardship of the parish's financial and personnel resources. Members benefit by learning more about the organization of the parish and Ardiocesan financial policies that apply to our parish. Meetings are held once a month, and members are asked to contribute up to five hours per month for the council.
Contact: Harold Hamilton, Pastoral Associate for Administration, 206-632-0843 |