The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), also called the Catechumenate, is a process of initiation into the Catholic Church for persons who are seeking baptism in the Catholic Church or full Communion with the Catholic tradition of Eucharist and Confirmation. RCIA also covers classes for baptized adults (18+) who have not completed sacraments of initiation.
Recognizing that our life of faith is a process that occurs over time, the classes meet over a series of months and participants are encouraged to engage with the parish community at the same time.
The RCIA process has four stages:
Pre-Catechumenate - a time of asking questions and making inquiry into the Catholic Faith
Catechumenate - a time of spiritual and continued growth and learning
Enlightenment/Purification - a time during Lent spent in preparation to celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil or during the Easter seasons; Reaching this stage can take months or years, depending on the person and their personal faith journey
Mystagogia - a time to reflect on what has happened in one's faith journey, reach out to others and to connect with the parish and greater Catholic community; This stage can last one's entire life
If you have questions or would like more information, contact the Parish Office at 206-632-0843 ext 210 or
Register for RCIA & Adult Confirmation
Classes start September 23, 2024
Day and Time: Mondays, 7PM
Venue: St. Alphonsus McGrath Room,5816 15th Ave NW, Seattle WA 98107
Our RCIA team of Fr. Parrish and Daniel Pelfrey, along with Parish family team members, meet all year to prepare adults to enter the Catholic Church.